We’ve Introduced New Equipment!

On August 5, we shipped in and installed new equipment (an angular-type CNC cylindrical grinder) in our No. 2 Factory!

We also took the opportunity to change the layout of the existing grinding process area.
Of course, this manufacturer, specializing in grinding machines that work with micron-level precision on a daily basis, handles machines with great care, and the tools on hand for carrying objects in are different from those of a manufacturer specializing in cutting and machining.

In the last few years, most of our investments have been intended for continuous operation through process consolidation and strengthening our operational systems with a small crew.
We have installed this new equipment with the aim of achieving this same concept. It will serve not only to allow continuous operation of multiple machines that had been used for separate processes, but also replacing general-purpose machines with CNC machines, thereby allowing extended unmanned operation and efforts to operate multiple units in parallel.

As of the on-site inspection, the target workpiece’s machining time has already been reduced by half.There’s still plenty of room for kaizen, so we’re looking forward to the future!